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Who is Digital Marketing expert

Who is Digital marketing expert and what is his/her duties? We will review digital marketing expert specifications and all of its details in this article.stay with us till end.

Who is a digital marketing expert

By definition, Digital Marketer is responsible for increasing the traffic of a site and branding an Internet business through all digital channels (whether free or paid).Channels such as:SEO,social media,email,And . . .But today, in the world of digital marketing, with the expansion that has taken place, they are divided into two categories1) 360 degree digital marker 2) Specialists

Well, it is very clear that many digital marketing sciences are specialized and many large businesses have an expert or even a team of experts for each department. Each person usually focuses on a key KPI performance indicator for each channel so that he or she can accurately measure performance and outcome in one of them.

SEO Manager = Main KPI: Organic Traffic,Content Marketing Specialist = Main KPI: time on site, blog traffic, branding,Social Media Manager = Main KPIs: Followers, impression, sharing.Data Analysis Specialist = Main KPI: conversiot rate improvement, email open rate

Who is managing Digital marketing

SEO specialist, content marketing specialist and. . . In most companies, these people manage digital marketing activities with the same mindset. This team determines the strategies with the same mindset, but each department works professionally in its field. But with the growth of Internet businesses and The formation of start-ups and start-ups was formed due to the reduction of costs of 360-degree digital marketing expert.

Who is 360 degree digital marketer ?!

Since start-ups do not have the cost of a specialized team for the marketing team.360 degree digital marker task includes: attracting targeted audience, branding, increasing sales and also customer satisfaction (improving ux user experience). It is not without grace that user experience (UX) is very important in marketing today. User experience (UX) It’s not just about design (a mistake some friends make)! The activities that you do to make you feel satisfied with your choice and being with you, UX is present today in all marketing topics: user access to site information, simplification of the buying process, sales and after-sales service, SEO , Content production and. . .


So here’s what a 360-degree digital marketer needs to know:Basic principles of digital marketing,Content marketing,SEO and optimization,Social media marketing,Conversion process,e-mail marketing,Neural marketing (increase sales and improve user experience),Better as a 360 degree digital marker


Always be up to date


In the field of digital marketing, which is growing and progressing, it is the duty of a digital marketer to be up-to-date.You do not need to know anything!

Sometimes a particular science or technique is needed for a digital marketing expert according to business and strategy, but for a digital marketing expert there is no need to know it anymore. And even external SEO can achieve great results, so I do not think it is really necessary to spend energy to learn these things and implement them (according to the conditions I mentioned) and without a doubt spend energy on other areas such as conversion process, page advertising Hot product, social networks and. . . It can increase sales significantly, so do not be greedy in learning and learn what you need, but do not doubt that the science you need is up to date!

Learning alone is not enough!

If you have a lot of information but do not use it, you are an inactive world. For example, in the 2018 Digital Marketing Virtual Course, we will teach you all the topics needed for a 360-degree expert digital marketing expert, but we know that just knowing this information is not enough! That is why we have provided exercises for you during the 9-month period so that you can really understand and experience this science by doing these exercises. Even people who do not do these exercises during the course will not be issued an Austrian MPT certificate!

Master digital marketing tools. Of course, I say at the outset that not all tools are what you need. Thank God there are so many free tools that each tool provides you with very valuable information.For example, using the Google Trends tool, which can determine focal keywords, is very necessary and valuable, as well as the GTmetrix tool, the keyword planner tool, the hotjar tool, and so on. . . Each of which is used in parts of the digital marketing process

Tools have no value without your ingenuity. In all of these tools, if there is no genius and ideas of a digital marketing expert, these tools are completely worthless. One example I will always remember is using Google Trends to choose the focal word of a site. Work on the word doctor or physician, with this tool it is possible to understand the growth of such words and choose the word that is growing.

As you can see in the picture, the choice of the word doctor is excellent.All these tools give you data and information or you go to these tools for information research, so it is very clear that these tools have no value without your genius!


Learn to analyze information

We can say that information analysis plays a big role in digital marketing, how much is the site traffic and what is the conversion rate. Find the strengths and weaknesses of the data by analyzing the data Provide an increase in conversion rates

Be a little familiar with site design In some cases you need to provide ideas in the field of site design to improve the user experience and increase sales, so familiarity with site design can be effective,So with these interpretations, a 360-degree digital marker is very useful.

Be proficient in content marketing

Must be proficient in the basics of content and content marketing and also be able to design and implement a content strategy. Have complete mastery of content publishing tools

Know SEO and site optimization

You need to be able to choose the focal point and keywords of the site, to get results as quickly as possible.Can design SEO strategy. Do external SEO and internal SEO well, and if necessary, implement external SEO correctly and have complete mastery of WordPress SEO.

Social media marketing

360-degree digital marketing expert should be able to analyze information, measure the interaction rate and implement strategies to increase the interaction rate, as well as activities to increase sales and customer satisfaction according to the set strategy.

Implement the conversion process

A digital marketing expert must be able to design the best conversion process to receive information from the visitor and change their status from visitor to interested or buyer is one of its tasks.

e-mail marketing

360 degree digital marketing expert should be able to launch email marketing campaigns to increase traffic, increase sales, branding and Design and implement.