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What is Online digital marketing

Online Digital marketing, in a simple definition, is communicating with customers through online tools. In general, online Digital marketing pursues the same goals as more traditional forms of marketing: increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and finding new customers.

Contrary to popular belief, digital marketing is a different and broader concept than online Digital marketing; And digital marketing campaigns do not necessarily fall into this category. Digital marketing can be done online or offline. Only those digital marketing activities that take place on the Internet are in the field of Internet or online marketing. Online marketing or Internet marketing or online advertising all represent a concept. Cost reduction, flexibility, the ability to measure and analyze data accurately, more control, the ability to communicate more effectively, and… are the benefits of this form of marketing.


What is online marketing? a general review

Online marketing is a set of tools and methods to promote a product (Promote) on the Internet. From tools like Keyword-Planner that you will need before planning and researching to tools like Google Analytics that you will need to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of campaigns. Online Digital Marketing 7 basic sub-categories Include the following:

1) SEO or search engine optimization 2) Search Engine Marketing or SEM 3) Content marketing 4) Social media marketing 5) Click advertising or PPC 6) Affiliate Marketing or Affiliate Marketing 7) Email marketing or email marketing

To know what online marketing is, we must first know its sub-branches; Of these, SEO is probably the most well-known name among all internet marketing channels. SEO means optimizing content to improve its ranking in search results (Google) for a particular keyword.

search engine optimization

SEO is the most powerful online Digital marketing channel. Think about how convincing and rewarding it can be to be on the first page of Google search results, and beyond, to rank first for our business-related keywords. Is there an online business that does not follow such a situation?

Recent Forrester research shows that 71% of online experiences start with search engines. As you can guess, Google is the most widely used search engine, accounting for 74% of the market share. The majority of people, about 85%, believe the search results are correct.

Just add these to the fact that “the top 5 results on Google account for 67% of clicks” to fully understand the importance of SEO in online Digital marketing.

Search engines use very sophisticated algorithms to rank web pages in search results. Although there are at least 200 important factors to improve Google rankings, backlinks, keyword repetition density and frequency, internal structure and links, optimization of titles and meta descriptions, and proper loading speed, along with generating valuable content, compared to other Items have priority and are more effective.

In general, SEO is divided into two parts: On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization.

Let’s not forget that the main purpose of search engines is to show the most accurate content to users who search for answers to their questions on the Internet or are researching to buy specific products. So when producing and optimizing content, always prioritize your audience, do not sacrifice its value and readability to SEO techniques.

Search engine marketing or SEM

Search engine marketing or SEM is the paid version of SEO; In which marketers try to increase inbound traffic and speed up lead generation processes by purchasing the top positions of search results for a particular keyword and advertising in it.

When researching search engine marketing, you will come across the name Google AdWords. AdWords is Google’s advertising service (and the most widely used SEM tool) known to most of us as “Google Advertising”. In this form of advertising, Google allows you to pay per click to display your website in search results for a particular keyword.

Of course, using this tool is not so fast and simple and has its mechanisms; Your ad may even have a lower budget, more visibility, and much higher returns than your competitor for the same keyword. Proper campaign definition, proper budget allocation, landing page design are suitable for this type of advertising and. Factors that affect its efficiency and effectiveness.

However, Google ads are ads that appear in search results and, like organic search results, their title and content should be related to the search keywords and phrases.

The first and second ranks of Google search results account for about 50% of all clicks. Therefore, if you are in these positions with proper management, incoming traffic to your website will increase. Of course, you have to pay for each click and entry.

Google AdWords Advertising

The cost you pay per click (CPC) may change over time depending on competitors’ activities. Different keywords also have different costs. In some cases, the price per click is as high as $ 500R arrives.

So use this strategy in cases where the revenue covers advertising costs. If most of your internet marketing activities are still related to the early stages of the sales funnel and content production to build Awareness, it’s better (especially in a competitive environment) not to worry about AdWords! Because your budget will run out quickly.

Google has published many case studies that show that the rate of return on investment or ROI in this form of online Digital marketing can be significantly higher.

However, if you use AdWords, you can spend your budget better and more efficiently by setting specific goals (Goal Setting) in Google Analytics or other measurement tools and monitoring KPIs.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is an activity in which marketers focus on producing valuable content and disseminating it to potential customers. Note that content marketing is something different from copywriting. In content marketing, by producing and publishing content, we try to generate leads and convince the customer to buy. While copywriting is more like Packaging and has a motivating role.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is “a strategic marketing approach that focuses on producing and disseminating valuable, relevant, and integrated content to reach and retain specific audiences.”

Unlike cross-sectional advertising, content marketing is a long-term strategy to show your audience that you care about them. Get to know the customers, the goals and the different aspects of your business. In content marketing, we provide our audience with their content and by continuing it, we create a strong relationship between them and ourselves.

Of course, producing content does not simply mean writing on your blog. Video files, podcasts, e-books, photos and infographics are all in the content marketing “toolbox”.

Social Media Marketing

You are familiar with social media marketing. Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with customers, engaging them with your brand name, and driving them to your service or product. But what exactly is social media marketing?

As always, Wikipedia is one of the first results we come across when searching for the “definition of social media marketing”; A definition that, of course, does not go down well: “Social media marketing is one of the online marketing activities and the process of increasing traffic or website traffic or gaining attention to a topic through social media.”

Sharing the content of your website or blog is one of the things you will do on social media. In addition to helping your product become known, it will also have a positive effect on your SEO and Google ranking.But social media activity goes beyond that.


network marketing

Social media marketing is the process of producing content, tailored to the space and function of different social media, to create organic interest and engagement (Engagement & Sharing) and direct traffic to the product/service.”

There are two important things to keep in mind when planning for social media; One is Content and the other is Context.

Content is anything you share on social media. From a simple status on Facebook to photos and videos on Instagram, news about your industry on LinkedIn and so on. But the point is, your content needs to be in line with the context of social media; Otherwise, your activities on social networks will not have much effect.

For example, a satire on Twitter may be completely natural and user-friendly, but on LinkedIn, it is more acceptable to provide evidence and a scientific tone. Of course, the way you operate on these platforms will inevitably stem from your branding priorities and the position you envision for your brand (Brand Positioning).

Do not look at social media as just a place to republish website content. Tell stories and share topics relevant to the same media on each social media.

Click Ads or PPC

PPC (or Paid Per Click) advertising has a similar function to search engine marketing. You may have come across this type of advertising and internet marketing on social media many times. In most social networks, you can define your intended ad and select the target statistical community, display it to users and pay a certain fee for each click on the ad.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram give you that opportunity. But due to special political and economic conditions, or more simply because of sanctions! The possibility of using these tools in all countries is very good.

What we know as PPC advertising in all contries is practically limited to text or banner advertising on other websites. There are two ways to use this marketing channel.

One is direct negotiation with websites and the other is the use of advertising agency services such as Anetwork, click finder or number and و for mobile advertising.

In the first method, although you will spend more time and energy launching your advertising campaign, you will have more control over the processes. In the second method though.

If you have any questions about Online digital marketing, please ask us from contact us section of candourcorp website.