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What is Digital marketing strategy

As you know, digital marketing strategy , as one of the most important pillars of business growth and development in the last decade, has always had a strong presence and a decisive role in overtaking competitors.

But how did this digital marketing break away from traditional marketing so quickly?

According to research; The rapid growth of technology, public access to the Internet and, most importantly, the high willingness of people to be present in cyberspace have made digital marketing a vital element in the communication between different businesses and audiences.

On the other hand, many businesses in cyberspace not only fail to achieve significant success, but may also tarnish their past credibility, because the transfer of information in today’s world is much faster than we previously imagined. We did and only one small mistake is enough to face the onslaught of criticism from people, experts and competitors.

Digital marketing strategies prerequisites

We need a comprehensive and powerful digital marketing strategy to pursue and design a basic digital marketing program. Before we look at digital marketing strategy together, we need to see what a marketing strategy is and what are the differences with a digital marketing strategy? What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is basically a comprehensive plan to achieve a specific goal or goals in the field of marketing that can be measured, analyzed and achieved.

Marketing strategy gives you the best and most optimal way to achieve your marketing goals by measuring what you have (target community, brand, budget, etc.) and what you may have lost.

But what is the difference between a marketing strategy and a tactic? Two words that are often (incorrectly) use interchangeably in the business environment, and of course there are differences.

What is a marketing strategy?

Strategy versus tactics

As mentioned, a marketing strategy is a set of focused and achievable activities that will help you achieve a specific set of goals.In general, a strategy in any field has three very important parts:

Diagnose a business problem

Provide a plan and general policy for dealing with the problem. A set of targeted actions to implement this program

Depending on the size of your brand and business, your marketing strategy may have several floating segments, each with specific goals. But in general, strategy is nothing but the three principles we mention.

And what is the tactics

A tactic is a set of specific actions that you take during your strategy. Basically, your goal strategy and tactics are specific and definable steps that will guide you in implementing the strategy (marketing) effectively.

The simplest marketing strategies

creating weblog

Advertise specific products on social networks such as Instagram and…Provide free educational articles and resources, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Holding webinarsMake a podcast

What is a digital marketing strategy?

Digital marketing strategy in the simplest, most comprehensive and best definition, is a plan that helps you to achieve goals or predetermined strategies through the main digital marketing channels such as paid media, free media and proprietary media. To run.

How to design a digital marketing strategy?

 Build the personality of your buyers

In all marketing strategies, both digital and offline, you need to know what audience you are going to define the program for. In fact, the first and most important step in preparing and setting up a marketing strategy is to create and design a buyer persona. But you may be wondering what a persona is.

A persona is a hypothetical but clear image of a person who can be your ideal audience, customer, and ultimately buyer. In essence, a persona refers to a set of characteristics, possessions, desires, and thought and behavioral patterns of a hypothetical audience.

In general, by using research, polls, as well as communicating with our target audience, we can create our ideal buyer persona.But in general, we need two types of information to write a persona:

How to write a digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing strategy

Step 1 Goal: In the first step, should you clearly outline the user’s goal in relation to you, given the product or service you offer? What exactly is the customer looking for? What are his expectations and what goals can motivate him more in your business?

Step 2 Challenge: What problems does your audience face in communicating with you (buying and using the product)? What are the deals with you? And …

Step 3 Interests: What topics is your audience interested in? (This interest should revolve around your business) For example, if you are the manager of a fashion brand, you need to know whether the audience of your target community is looking for fitness topics or not?

Note: This information is often obtained through direct communication with buyers, sellers and after-sales service.

Quantitative or demographic information

Get comprehensive information about your age, region or place of residence, often through tools like Google Analytics. Apart from that, you should also have information about the income level and job of your target community.Review and select digital marketing channels

We must choose the ideal medium for our advertising campaigns according to our purpose, budget and of course the target community (Personas Step 1). These media devide into three main categories:

Personal media

These media originally belong to your brand and business. Websites, social networks, email, blogs and everything your business has complete control over. This includes some off-site content that you own but are not hosted on your website, such as a blog you create or publish weblog in that content.

Acquired media

In simpler terms, these media refer to the same word of mouth marketing, public relations and any advertising that you have not paid for. You can get acquired media, for example, through references in the press (analytical column, news, etc.), positive reviews, or people who share your content. Sometimes just making news in a newspaper or posting a news story on a social network can bring you a lot of acquired media.

Monetary media

Monetary media, as the name implies, will be available for a fee. Like Google AdWords ads or the posts and ads seen on social media, ad reporting, banner ads and… are among the paid media that you can use to advance your goals.

Know the goals and digital tools needed

The goals of your marketing strategy should be one of the main and important goals of your business. For example, to improve your annual sales by up to 10%, you plan to increase your monthly content production by up to 5%.

Whatever the main goal, you need to be able to measure and manage it, what has been the effectiveness of your strategy? What measures could improve its effectiveness? And… is one of the issues that should be reviewed with data analysis tools and after analysis, it should be decided.

Summarize the digital marketing program and strategy

After completing all these steps, you can calculate the failure or success of your strategy according to the budget you have allocated to it.If this strategy works for you, I recommend that you allocate more budget to it and add activities that increase its efficiency, otherwise by re-examining the path and each step of the problem. List and prepare yourself for a new strategy.

For more information about digital marketing strategy you can contact us from the contact link on website.