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What is Digital Marketing campaign

What is Digital Marketing campaign? campaign is for targeting and implementing strategies and for having better incomings for company.we will review Digital marketing campaign in this article.

What is Digital marketing campaign?

In a world where everything is digital and many people enter this fascinating and nested world every day, having a marketing plan is very important. Because your competitors are becoming more and more every day, and the success of this marathon is related to the proper use of the facilities and capabilities of the digital world. One of the problems with digital marketers is that they do not have the right plan and can not articulate their goals and initiatives.

In this article, you will learn how to launch a digital marketing campaign. So join me in massive media and advertising campaign training to increase product sales. A marketing campaign includes actions that are planned and carried out to achieve the main goal of digital marketing. This goal can be to raise awareness of a new product or get feedback from the customer. It also includes goals such as reaching consumers in a variety of ways and using a combination of media, including email, print advertising, TV or radio advertising, pay-per-click, and social media. For example, if the main goal of your digital marketing strategy is to get more leads through social media, you can run a digital marketing campaign on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube. In this way, you share some of the best performance of your business in these networks to achieve more leads through these channels.

To better understand, let us give an example. You may see or hear an ad from the famous Nike brand. This ad does not mean campaign. But if the brand publishes ads on banners and street signs, social media posts and email marketing, it has launched a marketing campaign.

Note, however, that the terms marketing campaign and advertising are different. Advertising is one of the components of marketing and means how a company intends to increase its brand awareness. In fact, advertising is one of the aspects of a marketing campaign. Various components are involved in planning, implementing and benefiting from a great marketing campaign. Most successful advertising campaigns have considered these components and have been able to succeed in advertising their brand and products. We have stated the following:


Key Goals and Performance Index (KPI)

Define the ultimate goal of your campaign and explain how to measure the result. For example, your content production campaign may be measured by the usual interactions and it should be determined that each post should lead to 1000 views per month and 10 new followers.

Channels: Where are your content and messages distributed? For example, if you have a social media marketing campaign, you may prioritize the growth of more channels related to your audience and eliminate channels with fewer followers and members.

Budgeting: Not all digital marketing campaigns need additional funding, but many still do. Consider advertising and other expenses if necessary.

Content format (s) for Digital marketing campaign

Specify the content you need to create the campaign. Marketers usually put several templates in a specific digital marketing campaign. For example, a brand campaign can include video ads, press releases, and guest blogs.

Team: Who do you trust to do the job? Before you start your campaign, make sure you have people who can handle advertising, website building, design, budget planning, video, and more.

Design: Finally, you need to have a good plan for your great marketing campaign. Choose the most appropriate design in terms of advertising logo, interactive infographic and finally being a professional. How to create a successful digital marketing campaign?


Successful digital marketing map

Setting up digital marketing and related campaigns may seem complicated at first, but when we get to work, we see that it is quite a simple process; Of course, if you do it right. Campaign planning is just as important as advertising design and should be creative. Try to answer the following questions.

Digitam marketing campaigns

1. What is the purpose of your campaign?

the reason for running your campaign from the beginning? What would you like your campaign to do? If you have no problem with this, get started. Which of the following goals do you think is right for you?

Advertise a new product or service;Increase your brand awareness;Gather customer feedback;Make more money;Increase user interaction;Promote upcoming events.Your goal should be SMART, specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

For example, the goal of your digital marketing campaign could be to collect user-generated content from 100 customers through the brand hashtag on Instagram. In fact, it is a specific goal (user-generated content) that is measurable (100 customers), achievable (via brand hashtag on Instagram), relevant (has a new product line) and timely (May 31, 1400). This is an example of a digital marketing campaign for online business development.


How do you evaluate your campaign?

Criteria for evaluating a digital marketing campaign.The answers to this question are different for everyone. This criterion can be the rate of opening email, liking images on Facebook and Instagram, pre-purchasing the product or all of these. Of course your answer to the head It depends on the core of your campaign. The following are the metrics based on the goals of the digital marketing campaign:

Advertising a new product or service: pre-purchase, sales and increase sales;Increase brand awareness: emotions, social media and press releases;Gathering customer feedback or content: social media tips and engagement;

Monetization: Lead, sales and sales increase;Increase user engagement: blog sharing, social media sharing, email interactions;Advertise an upcoming event: ticket sales, entertainment sales or bookings, and social media sharing.

Define core performance api

Of course, you need to define your core performance index (KPI) for each medium. For example:Interactions on Instagram include likes, comments and profile tags,Email opening rate and click-through rate via email,Visit the blog, number of clicks and social sharing

By specifying the KPI, you will see the progress of your digital marketing campaign. Finally, you need to define the success of your company and find reasons to value it.


3. Who are you targeting?

Target audience is one of the most important parts; Because your alignment with the audience determines the success or failure of your digital marketing campaign. The first step to answering this question is to know what stage of your campaign your customer targets. Do you want to bring in new customers or get better feedback from existing customers? Do you market your brand to people who know it or introduce a new brand? However, your marketing message varies depending on your campaign audience being in the brand awareness, attention or decision stage.


4. What is the meaning of your digital marketing campaign?

At this stage you need to know why you are running this campaign, how you are measuring its dimensions and who you are targeting. Marketing campaigns, like brand name, are unique and require a mission, vision and visual identity. Some businesses use an in-house team to create campaign assets, while others use agency support. Another option is to hire a freelancer or contractor to complete a specific part of the project. Of course, depending on the specific goals of the campaign, it is recommended that you start with your own internal team and move on. They are experts in that part of your business and can talk to you about the success of your campaign.


5. How to reach your audience?

It’s a good idea to take a look at current media channels and use them to promote your company. Need to know which one has the best performance? Which one allows you to pay for advertising? And most importantly, where do your customers spend the most time?

In general, it is better to use multimedia. Distribution channels can be divided into Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned. First, choose two or three channels for your campaign and gradually increase your digital marketing campaign platforms. Of course, certain channels may not be logical and can not be used.

6. When and how to publish ads?

It’s a good idea to set a deadline for your campaign. In this case, how and when the campaign is published is better managed. First, make a general timeline for your campaign. Specify the start date and release date of your ads so you can better work on it. Then take a look at your marketing assets and advertising channels and see how many times you can afford to send and advertise your ad content based on people and funding. Create a promotional calendar for each marketing channel. Decide for each one individually and schedule appointments, emails and. In your calendar. This will reduce the daily workload.


The most important thing for doing better Digital marketing and reach target is implementing digital marketing campaigns,thats key.if you have any questions about this article please contact us from website contact section