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What is Content marketing and how to use

Content marketing is a way to introduce your brand with quality contents, its very useful for attracting more loyal costumers and get more new users. We will review this subject in article.

This type of business or brand marketing tries to help readers by sharing educational, entertaining, or informative content. The result can be in the form of changing the behavior of the audience or as marketers want to make a purchase decision. In fact, in this type of marketing, we do not force people to buy; Rather, we help them make the best decision, and perhaps their best decision in the meantime is to buy from us.


Note the definition provided by the Content Marketing Institute:”The goal of content marketing is to attract and retain customers by producing and organizing valuable and appropriate content with the intention of changing or enhancing customer behavior. “This type of marketing is an ongoing process that fits best into your overall marketing strategy and focuses on media ownership, not leasing.” In 2016, few businesses questioned the miraculous power of content marketing; But the fact is that only a few companies use this type of marketing, with the skills and expertise that they really need.

Content marketing

This guide will show you how you can successfully promote your brand, get better customers, and improve your relationship with your customer through content marketing.

Blogging, the foundation of content marketing

We all remember blogs from years ago with the advent of Iranian blogging systems. People’s personal blogs existed long before content marketing. Today, however, this blogging has gone beyond the writings and memoirs of one person, and most businesses have turned to it.

When we share informative and useful content through our business blog, we will inevitably become an expert in the eyes of our customers, and this will not only bring visitors back to your blog, but it can also turn those eager readers into potential buyers. Also convert.

When you share content for free, you allow your business to build trust in the minds of blog readers. After all, you provide the audience with tips and information about the business in which you operate for free. So why not trust you?


What is the content marketing philosophy?

After answering the question “What is content marketing?” You have to ask, why use this type of marketing?Capital returns on content marketing can be amazing. This return on investment enables you to provide complementary content for social media marketing, and by producing good content on your website, you will achieve good rankings in search engines and boost your SEO.

What are the benefits for SEO?

There are many things you can do to improve your SEO, but to increase the SEO power of your website, there is nothing better than content marketing, and rightly so. Content, in simple terms, means information.

Google’s goal is to match the most relevant and high-quality information to users’ searches. But if you do not produce and distribute content with such features, you will not have a chance to rank and will be out of sight of users.Neil Patel, who we’ve heard before about what digital marketing is, explains the connection between content marketing and SEO:

“SEO needs content. This also means content. SEO does not make sense without content. You need words, texts, content and keywords. “I know it’s very clichéd, but I have to say: Content Is King.”You rank in search engines because of the specific words you have in your written content. More content means more keywords; This will give you more opportunities to rank on Google. This is why keyword research is so important for successful marketing.

Improving SEO

Another important factor in improving SEO is getting links. When other websites link to your site, Google considers you as a credible resource and as a result ranks it. The best way to get backlinks is to produce great content that entertains and educates people, and as a result, they share and link to it.

Furthermore, Google prefers websites and resources that are constantly updated. Therefore, when you publish content regularly, your website will rank higher. On the other hand, if you stop producing content, Google will assume that your website is down and inactive, thus lowering your ranking to prevent people from accessing second-hand content. What is the role of marketing in public relations? ?

The Internet has removed barriers that in the past prevented businesses from reaching their target customers. In the past, advertising on television was difficult or very expensive; But now you can easily upload a video on YouTube or Instagram and send your message to millions of people around the world for free. The same thing applies with ezines and newsletters. You do not need a public relations manager today to communicate with your customers and fans.

Blog posts for Content marketing

Blog posts have replaced newspapers. Live Instagram has replaced traditional news conferences. Everything you need for public relations is at your fingertips for free! What are the benefits of content marketing for SEO?

There are many things you can do to improve your SEO, but to increase the SEO power of your website, there is nothing better than content marketing, and rightly so. Content, in simple terms, means information.Google’s goal is to match the most relevant and high-quality information to users’ searches. But if you do not produce and distribute content with such features, you will not have a chance to rank and will be out of sight of users.

Neil Patel, who we’ve heard before about what digital marketing is, explains the connection between content marketing and SEO:”SEO needs content. Content marketing also means content. SEO does not make sense without content. You need words, texts, content and keywords. “I know it’s very clichéd, but I have to say: Content Is King.”

You rank in search engines because of the specific words you have in your written content. More content means more keywords; This will give you more opportunities to rank on Google. This is why keyword research is so important for successful marketing.