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What is branding strategy and how it works

What is a branding strategy? Branding is more than just a logo, a name and a color. The most important component of branding is delivering a message. A powerful message that discovers the audience and attracts them. If you enter the market without a strong branding strategy, you will certainly lose a lot.

What is branding strategy

Branding starts with market research and brand message and finally reaches traffic and customer and audience. We want to teach you in 7 steps how to build a powerful branding strategy that has a positive impact on both your SEO and your traffic and profits.

1. Start targeted local market research for branding strategy

The first step for branding strategy is always research and study. You need to know your target market and see what your audience is looking for and what they need. In fact, the amount of income you earn depends on this stage. You should not enter with your eyes and ears closed. You need to know exactly what you are looking for and who is going to buy from you.

In local research, you should also consider the type of audience and their location. Before doing market research, you should ask yourself a few basic questions:

How big is our work geography?

for branding strategy How are people going to use our products or services?How big is our local market?
How many competitors do we have and what are the salient features of these competitors?
If you answer these questions correctly, you can lay the groundwork for your local research and pave the way for research. You need to start with the simple things and expand your vision from the specific audience to the general audience. You should not focus on people and brands that have nothing to do with your work and all your attention should be on your field of work.

Create an ideal profile for the client
Identifying the audience is an important step in creating a powerful branding strategy. To do this, you need to create a profile for your “ideal customer” and see who they are. What they want, what they need and what services or products they are looking for.

You can find out the needs and interests of your audience through social media or people’s opinions on competing sites. Creating a questionnaire can also be an ideal option for this. To make a questionnaire, try to include the following questions and items in it.

What are the three most basic needs of your audience?

What solutions have they tried for their problems?How did they solve their problems?How old are they?What is their income level?Are the items they are looking for in their area of ​​work?What platforms do they use the most?What mechanisms or brands do they use to solve their problems?
This information will help you to:

Build your own competitive advantage.
Know which services are more attractive to your audience.Identify the tone and content your audience needs.Discover what mechanisms to use to deliver your services or products.Once you have completed your market research, it is time to build your message and identify its mechanisms.

2. Create your brand message

Market research will tell you what your audience values ​​and needs. In this case, you know your audience and you can somehow start interacting with them.

How do big brands do that? They use a style to introduce or guide their users and audience in their content or marketing. This creates the brand message correctly and users know what they expect from the brand and try to meet their needs from these brands.

Your brand message should include the following:Brand values: What do you do?Your Competitive Advantages: What sets you apart from your competitors?Tune: What is your audience looking for? Specialized reference? Or entertainment?

Benefits: What does your service offer?
Call-to-Action: What do you expect users to do when they see your brand name? Brand message formula Many brands think that branding is just a specific color and a specific logo and different tag lines. Unfortunately, this thinking causes these brands to pursue their own needs, not the needs of their audiences. As a result, they can not convince the audience to use their products or services.

The brand message has a simple formula

We will help you (the audience) through us (our services and products) to meet your needs using (the benefits and capabilities of our services and products).

Now think about how you can create a message for your brand that users know how to use your services. This formula can be used for any brand. Of course, the message alone can not work, and you need to know how and by what mechanisms to convey this message to your audience.

3. Apply SEO according to your brand message

SEO can actually be your first contact with the audience. Let’s take an example: For example, suppose you are a business in the field of buying and selling car accessories, how can you attract users and audiences to your site? The answer is: through the search engines and keywords that are in your brand message. Your users want to buy car accessories so they search for “buy car accessories” and if you have SEO these keywords you can easily attract them.

SEO is a vast science and you need to

Have an SEO expert to promote your website in search engines. But to get started, you can focus on:Build a responsive websiteHigh site speedIdentify keywords and use them in contentIncrease site traffic by using compelling and engaging content Create a Google My Business account Link building.

In any case, SEO is a way that you can attract your audience at a lower cost, but it is a challenging and engineered process and you should be familiar with Google algorithm changes and SEO analysis and the like to be able to grow.

4. Have a strategic partnership

If you want to promote your brand sooner and get your message across to your audience, you can partner with companies that can help you along the way. Do not worry, you are not going to give them a part of your profit. This way you can grow more easily. For example, you can partner with a content marketing company to produce the content you need for your site. Instead, you will need to create a specialized group and hire different people to produce content.

You need to focus on your common interests and see how you can achieve the best results together and in a relationship.

5. Post targeted content on social media

Social media is a powerful resource for finding your target audience. In order to be able to find your audience, you need to produce content that catches their attention. Each brand has a specific strategy for its content on social networks, and all of this content is created in order to fully convey the brand message.

Some features of good content for social networks:

on time
Good writing
Fits the tone and values ​​of the brand
Some brands make mistakes in this regard. Here are some of these mistakes:

Post the latest blog content without proper captions. Use irrelevant and annoying photos
Continuous news about events inside the company. Improper coverage of political and non-professional events and issues
Irrelevant videos or photos though.You need to test different items at the beginning and analyze the results so that you can get the tone and content you want. Social media marketing is more than just content production, and value creation and algorithms to engage the audience and remember the brand name by influential elements are something that many brands ignore.

Attend events related to your business.
These events are generally called brand networking events. This will strengthen your relationship with your audience, business consultants and other brands and even your competitors and create a stronger environment for your business. Participating in these events can not only lead to strategic partnerships but can also have a significant impact on attracting customers directly.

Being active in your business gives your audience and customers a reassurance that they can trust you for life as you grow.

7. Use advertising campaigns

If you have enough budget, invest in advertising campaigns because they drive a lot of traffic to the site. For example, PPC or Pay per Click campaigns can have a huge impact on your performance.

Platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads or Twitter ads can appeal to your main audience. These audiences can even be identified and attracted according to your preferred geography and keywords. If you do the market research correctly and completely, you can get better results in advertising campaigns and attract more targeted traffic.


Branding Strategy is not just a logo and a name and a color. Branding is all the effort you put into getting your message across to your audience. There are many ways to get better results from branding, but with a 7-step system you can get the best results, which leads to increased traffic and thus greater productivity for you and your business.