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What is Branding and brand creation

What is branding and brand creation ?”Brand” is a distinctive name, logo or component that helps the audience identify a company or product from other similar items. In fact, today the mere tangible product itself is no longer the only reason people buy it; Rather, the product is only part of the brand, and people actually buy the brand. For example, are you willing to buy a can of soda that has no name or address of one of the brands you know and trust?

For Branding and brand creationThe market is full of similar products; In order to be able to distinguish a product, we must give it an identity. The use of items such as name, symbol or logo, special colors and other components in order to identify the product. In fact, in this way, we try to give personality to our product and create a special place for it in the customer’s mind.

In fact, it can be said that your brand is in the minds of your customers. Simply put, a brand is a customer’s overall perception of the individual interactions it has had with you, your company, and your products. “Branding” is the process of creating and strengthening a positive perception of the company or its products in the minds of the target audience; In other words, branding is a process that gives meaning to a company, its products or services by creating and shaping the brand in the minds of customers. Branding is a strategy that different companies formulate with the aim of helping people to quickly identify their products and organization and give them a reason to choose their product (in competition with competitors). Who does branding affect?

Branding and brans creation

For Branding and brand creationIn addition to consumers, branding also affects people such as employees and shareholders:

1. Consumers: When the consumer is hesitant to make a decision to choose the manufacturer of the product, branding and branding help him in the final decision.

2. Employees / Shareholders / Partners: Proper and effective branding strategies, in addition to helping customers to differentiate between products and make choices when in doubt, also generally contribute to the brand’s reputation. In fact, branding affects a wide range of people, from consumers to employees, investors, shareholders, suppliers and distributors. For example, if you do not like or like a brand, you are unlikely interests in working for it. On the other hand, if you feel positive about the brand, you will be eager to work with it.


Types of branding and brand creation

There are different types of branding and brand creation , the most important of which are the following:

Name Brand Recognition: In this type of branding, the company uses the power of its brand name to market and sell its products. Usually, using this type of branding will be suitable for well-established companies. In this way, the company can use the logo, slogan or specific colors of its brand. For example, companies such as Coca-Cola, Apple and Mercedes-Benz offer their products with a focus on their brand name.

Individual Branding: Sometimes large companies offer products that have their own brand, independent of the parent company. For example, yogurt is a product that is branded almost separately from the manufacturer.

Attitude Branding: In attitude branding, the product itself disappears in the nature and experience it creates. For example, the Nike brand was selected in 2015 as one of the most valuable sports brands of the year. This news made this brand, regardless of the type and quality of its products, be associated with sports and quality. Apple branding is also a clear example of this type of branding.

No-brand Branding

No-brand branding is a minimalist and special method that is usually do for simple products that have a relatively consistent design. In this method, the most important component in branding is simplicity.

Brand Extension: Branding by brand development occurs when a brand enters a new market. For example, if a sports shoe company enters the field of sportswear production, it automatically transfers its brand identity to its new products.

• Branding: Brands or private labels are brands that are usually limits to certain supermarkets (such as homemade yogurt). These brands try to compete with big manufacturers by offering cheaper and higher quality products.

• Branding through crowdfunding (Crowdsourcing): In this method, people help to shape the brand; Therefore, customers will have the opportunity to participate in the brand naming process, and this will attract their personal interest in the product.

Branding and brand creation benefits

Because of the important impact that branding has on the whole company, it is necessary for every business. Among the most important benefits of branding are the following:

– Branding increases awareness and attention to the business: The most important feature of branding for any business is to increase public awareness and business reputation.- Branding increases the value of the business: Branding makes it a more attractive opportunity for investment by recognizing and strengthening the brand position.

The Branding attracts new customers: Branding makes people more positive perceptions and associations with the brand and by strengthening people’s sense of trust increases the likelihood of buying and referring others. Branding is a factor in enhancing employee satisfaction and pride in the business: naturally a person who He works for a brand that is better known and people are more interested in it, more satisfied and interested in his work. This satisfaction in turn creates a sense of belonging and desire to work and, as a result, increases productivity.


Branding elements

Proper branding involves understanding the concepts of “branding elements” that we refer to here: Brand name: the part of the brand that gives it a spoken identity; Just like a human name.

• Brand Attributes: characteristics and features of a brand; The core values ​​of the brand. For example, for a brand to be strong, it must have characteristics such as cohesion, attractiveness, credibility and stability.Brand Associations: Brand associations are those brand attributes that come to the customer’s mind with the idea of ​​a brand.

Brand Identity: How the organization feels about its brand. Basically, brand identity is the view that the company has towards its brand and wants to create the same view in the mind of the audience.

Brand Image

Branding and brand creation

is an image or image of the brand in the minds of customers; In other words, it is their perception or perception of the brand.

Brand Personality: Brands, like humans, have their own way of behaving and speaking. Brand personality is basically the personality and human characteristics of the brand; Such as honesty, luxury, affection and the like.

Brand Voice: The way a brand speaks to its customers. The coherence, continuity and distinction that exists in the sound or tone of the brand makes the customer can consider a special place for it in their minds (compared to competitors). Brand voice gives character to the brand.

Brand Positioning

Where is the brand position compared to competitors? Brand position is the specific position of the brand in the market or the customer’s mind, and in positioning we try to strengthen and stabilize the brand position.

Brand Experience: The experience of customers and consumers when searching, buying or using a brand. The brand experience includes such things as the responses and emotions that the brand conveys to the customer in their interactions with him.

Brand Awareness: The level of consumer familiarity with the brand.

Brand Recall: Brand recall means the ability of customers to remember the brand when related products are mentioned. For example, when we talk about alcohol, we immediately think of Coca-Cola.

Brand Recognition: Brand recognition refers to the consumer’s ability to identify a brand when asked about the brand or shown the brand’s products. For example, a product is shown to you and you are asked if you have seen it before or remember its name.

Brand Value: Brand value is the value that goes beyond its tangible products. Simply put, how much more is a customer willing to pay to receive a branded product?Brand Equity: The impact of the brand on the customer’s decision to buy; Brand equity is a set of brand-related strengths and weaknesses that add or subtract value to a product. The business is affected by the brand equity and the customer’s attitude, attitude and attitude towards the brand. Estimating brand equity is difficult.

Brand creation and branding Management: The process of brand management and care

Culture • Brand Culture: The theory that brand performance is like a culture and has its own values, guidelines, and do’s and don’ts.Brand Promise: The benefits and experience that a business promises to associate with the brand.Brand Message: The message through which the brand promise is expressed.

Brand Ambassador: The person or group used to visualize the brand.Brand and customer contact points (Touch Points): Contact points are situations in which the brand and the customer interact.

• Brand Story: A narrative of the brand history with the events and feelings that have shaped and created the brand.Brand gap: The gap between the brand promises and the action it ultimately takes.Brand extension: brand going beyond its original and entering newer areas; Like Google, which started out as a search engine and now offers a variety of services, such as email, mobile operating systems, and advertising.