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The difference between design and branding

The general impression is that “logo design” and “branding” are similar and not different from each other. Sometimes the two terms use interchangeably. Although these two words are closely related in terms of use and meaning, these two words have different uses and functions.

To better understand the difference between logo design and branding, it is important to first understand the concepts of logo and brand

Logo definition:

The logo is a graphic symbol that can be easily remembered. This symbol builds and displays the identity of a company or introduces a commercial product or any public or private entity. This method is one of the ways to identify different types of brands in a world full of competition and full of graphic elements, each of which tries to attract us. A logo is usually a combination of typography, symbols, and colors.

The cape logo is one of the most famous logos among luxury brands. This logo consists of two Cs that are back to back and connected. The word cape is on all products. Sometimes a brand uses two Cs separately (for example in some product packages) or just the “CHANEL” section (for example on a website). Thus, there is a multi-purpose use of the logo in different channels.

Branding definition:

A brand is an idea when thinking about specific products of a company. This image is created when everything a brand exhibits are consistent with that image. These include brands, logos, products, visual identities, employees, or advertisements.

After seeing a brand and if you are a little familiar with that brand, some images and feelings may come to your mind, that is, something like the collage of the photo above. Some people may feel luxurious and elegant. Remember the foundation of the brand, think of products (makeup, clothing, accessories), French-style clothing culture, high prices, or the experiences you had in the cape shop.

Each of us will have a different experience and understanding. However, the overall perception of the brand should be quite similar to the general public.

What is the difference between a logo design and a branding

design and branding

Logo design is the process of designing a logo. Branding is the process of building a brand. In other words, branding is a strategy designed by companies to help people quickly identify products and companies and give them a reason to choose their products. Branding strategy determines what concepts a brand represents and what it does not represent. Branding can be done using various tools. Some of the elements used in a branding strategy are:

Brand definition: goal, values, mission Brand identity: name, tone of voice, visual identity designer (including logo design) Advertising and communication aspects: TV, radio, magazines, outdoor advertising, websites, mobile applications… Financial support and participation Product design and packaging Possible future experiences Experience workspace and management style customer services Pricing strategy. As we can see, logo design is one of the tools use to design a brand’s visual identity.

Why is having a logo so important for branding purposes?

Although the logo is only one of the elements of branding, but most likely in most points of contact with customers and other stakeholders, its effects and presence can be seen, such as website, brochure, office set, manufactured products, packaging, advertising, Clothes, shops, etc. Thus, a logo can be considered as one of the main graphic elements that allow people to quickly identify an organization, its products, and services, and often, it will be the first thing that people identify for products and services. You will benefit from it.

It is in such situations that a logo, well designed for branding purposes, is crucial:

1. A well-designed logo allows people to quickly identify and remember your brand. Remember that the presence of a logo is one of the main elements of your identification by customers and audiences. In this case, within a few seconds, you will identify different communication channels in design and branding.

2- Helps in brand cohesion and coordination in your communication channels with the customer. This creates a kind of harmony in the various communication channels (in which the product advertises and exposes to the public). In today’s world, businesses and organizations exist on a variety of platforms, including websites, blogs, social media, events, flyers, brochures and business cards, and more. Having a multi-purpose logo allows you to display your brand appropriately, harmoniously, and harmoniously.

3- It is a part of your brand identity. Your brand or organization logo is part of your brand’s visual identity. This is very important because it will be one of the main tools that can graphically show your brand, values ​​, and personality to your audience. 4- Creates a kind of professional image of you and raises expectations. People expect a brand to look professional, and their expectations start with the logo. A good design for your product logo, executed by an expert designer, will make your brand stand out from the competition and look more reliable. Recruitment
A professional designer enhances having a unique and creative logo that reflects your brand identity.


5- This brand distinguishes you from competing with competitors. Brands can differentiate themselves from competitors with their logo. Using a variety of colors is a great way to show what your brand is and what it is not.

6- It can facilitate an emotional connection with your shareholders and strengthen brand loyalty. People should contact your brand immediately when they see your logo. Good logo design makes people in your organization remember and feels about you and your product. If this feeling is positive, your branding process will also be positive.


The logo itself is a graphic element that represents the brand, while a brand is a combination of all tangible and intangible aspects that represent the organization and create an experience for your audience. Without a brand, the logo will not have real meaning, it will be just a graphic element. so what’s the difference between design and branding?