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Personal branding consulting specifications

Personal branding consulting is the simple definition of using the name and reputation of an individual (or legal entity) or, in more limited cases, a group for commercial and economic purposes as a brand. In other words, the development processes of a business by the name and reputation of a person who is the manager or the original owner of the collection is called personal branding.

Of course, as mentioned, this branding is not just used individually, and the term may refer to a group or even an organization. But in personal mode, branding is the creation, expansion and management of a business in the name of one person

Many people still do not know the difference between a brand and a brand. Your brand can include a brand, but a brand does not simply mean a brand. In fact, in simpler terms, a brand is a set of credits of a person or a collection in the field of business and is considered as a symbol of a business. In other words, a brand is what brings a business to the professional level and distinguishes it from other similar businesse

Personal branding consulting

Your brand is what makes you unique. Brand is the essence of a business. Given these explanations, it should be acknowledged that not every business that has a brand does not necessarily mean having a brand! Perhaps out of ten active businesses, only a few have a brand.Now imagine the same situation where those credits came from a certain person. This process is done with the effect of multiplication and increasing the reputation of that brand. In this case, personal branding has been done and this is one of the special marketing techniques that hundreds of top entrepreneurs around the world have used to develop their exclusive brand

 Personal Branding History

The topic of personal branding was first addressed in the 1937 book Think and Get Rich by the famous American author Napoleon Hill. The idea explores years later in another book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, by Ai Ries and Jack Trout. Part of this book says that we can grow our business with the help of business positioning strategies. Exactly what this strategy means is working on branding staff

But it was not until 1997 that the term “personal branding” was first coined by Tom Peters in an article entitled “Be Your Own Brand.” This article addresses specific points of this topic and introduces new aspects of modern marketing. According to experts in this field, personal branding is very closely related to Internet marketing. In fact, with the advent of the Internet and online marketing, the growth rate of personal branding has increased dramatical

In his article, Mr. Peters say “It doesn’t matter what field you work in or where you live. We are all CEOs of our own personal brand, which means we have to work on our personal abilities, talents and credibility and do business with them. The value of your credibility “Not only is it not less valuable than a service or product, it is also much more valuable


Approaches and foundation of personal brandig consulting

First of all, we need to update our initial view on Personal branding consulting and understand the implications of this type of marketing. In the following, we will introduce you to the main features of Personal Branding and we will tell you the features needed to properly understand personal branding


1. Promote and develop a dedicated platform

Implementing personal branding is such that it requires a special and unique platform. In fact, this platform is a tool to promote and show your personal brand to others. It’s up to you to decide which tool or system to use. Many people go to the design and launch of a website and some people go to social networks so that they can interact faster and more easily with their audience and fans

2. Focus on capabilities and value

Just like marketing and starting a regular business, marketing with a personal brand starts with finding your own personal capabilities and abilities. So it can be said that the winning point for you is the same abilities and characteristics that are specific to you. Think about what sets you apart from millions of other like-minded people who come up with great, unique ideas. Then explore the same idea and feature and explore ways to develop and flourish them

3. Becoming a reputable personal branding consulting

Personal branding consulting

Once you have found your capabilities and abilities, work on completing and developing them. Learn as much as you can and strive for growth and development. Any way you can get new information to gradually become a credible source and a reliable brand. This credibility can demonstrates through writing articles, making videos and podcasts, posting on social media and similar methods. Users and audiences love these types of shows, and this is one of the issues that attracts users’ sense of trust and confidence and brings them closer to you and your brand. Prioritiz

The foundation of launching a personal brand or any other brand is trying to move and achieve a set goal. The same is true of personal branding. Of course, the main goals of a brand should be business development, more sales and increase revenue. With these definitions, we can say that personal branding is a cauldronIt is an attempt to achieve specific and even ambitious goals. Do not forget that setting priorities will control your decisions and actions

What is personal branding

5. Be yourself

The influential and important phrase “be yourself” uses over and over again in various sources, and for many people it is just clichés and repetitive motivational phrase. This may be the case in some situations, but if the phrase “be yourself” suppose to be the most important and most effective in one place, then there is personal branding! All the basics of a branding staff start with this sentence, so take it seriously

It is good to know that this is exactly one of the main reasons for the success of dozens of businesses and at the same time the failure of dozens of other businesses! That is why personal identity is known as the border of failure and success in the discussion of branding personnel. Many people think that if they try to impress the audience by exaggerating some things or showing false information, they are doing the right and successful technique! Apart from the immorality of this issue, even in terms of results and achievements, such actions face a dead end

However, to say that you are yourself should not be taken for granted. In this case, there are many techniques and tips, many of which will assocciate with you during your activity and will add to your other experiences. But in order to start the starting point correctly, you can emulate famous and successful people and figures in this field. But do not take copying as copying! Branding staff is one of the few marketing companies that ultimately grows with your own unique features and characteristics. So do not try to imitate others. Just learn from their methods and their victories and defeat


In this case, the truth is that the more you focus on your “uniqueness”, the more success you will have. But you should not let this focus get out of hand and become an uncontrollable obsession.

Once you’ve done enough research on other people, it’s time to move on to designing a personal persona. Your personal brand persona can help you get relevant and up-to-date information as well as a better understanding of the market and find effective marketing methods. If you are unfamiliar with this topic, we suggest you read the manager’s specialized article in this regard.