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How to start a Branding project

What is the best way to increase branding project credibility?Almost every entrepreneur who is on the path to success and growth, inevitably asked Google for help when starting their business, and Google’s answers show that a very important part of any company’s development is branding and branding, and this is an asset. It is considered a profitable investment.

But whats your branding project ? Are you a real estate company with ongoing projects in 18 different cities? Do you sell a generic product like a napkin or do you have a really distinctive and special product?

In other words, how do you know which type of branding is right for your business? Just as there are different types of logos for a company, there are also different branding strategies that a company can use to place its business among the best brands and in this way use the services of a branding company. To take.

In order to help you decide on the type and method of branding appropriate for your business, we will explain the main types of brands separately. By reading this article, you will know how to get help from a branding agency to build a suitable brand?

branding project prerequesties

1- Corporate (organizational) branding project

It is one of the most well-known and widely used types of branding. The goal of corporate branding is to build a name and build credibility for the company. People remember the name of a company by claiming and promising that company. How reliable and trustworthy is the brand of that company and how well does that company offer its services and products to its customers?

A good corporate brand has long-term effects, because a company can gain the trust of its customers by supporting its reputable and well-known brand. When customers trust a brand, they will also subconsciously trust the brand’s new products.

2- Personal branding project

This type of branding refers to building a brand for a real person, as opposed to branding a company that is built for a legal entity. Personal branding is especially important for celebrities, politicians and even digital marketers who want to present a positive public image of themselves. (Usually because they are positive in their profession to seek approval and reputation.)

Social networks are a powerful tool in building a personal brand, as they provide access to a wide audience through a personal platform. Entrepreneurship like Tony Robbins is an example of a well-crafted, well-crafted personal brand. With more than three and a half million followers on Instagram, he invests heavily in his online presence and has proven himself as an expert in his field.

3- Product branding

Have you ever noticed how “Clanx” has become a synonym for “paper napkin”? The reason is that this product has reached the peak of success in the product branding process. Product branding is a type of branding that makes the consumer prefer a product to other similar products. Your attention is often drawn to the logo and color of a particular product, which means that in your mind a familiar connection has been established between that logo or color and that product, and the branding company has succeeded in building the brand of that product. Is.

4- Location branding (geographical)

If you work in the tourism industry, this type of branding is right for you. Location branding focuses on the unique features of a particular area as the point of sale of that location and explains why you should visit that area.

You often see countries claiming a particular type of food of their own or stating their own unique history. (Think of the pyramids of Egypt or our own Persepolis.) These actions are part of the place branding process. There are also regions in the world that are trying to change their reputation and form differently in the minds of the audience. The city of Amsterdam, for example, began its work by reproducing its name and slogan “I Amsretdam”, shifting its focus from a corrupt place to a place of high cultural diversity.

Common methods in branding project

5- Online branding

This type of branding is also known as “internet branding”. This type of branding deals with how you present yourself or your business online. This process can mean building a website, social media presence, blog posting, or anything that happens on the web under your name.

6- Offline branding

As the name implies, this branding deals with the process of building a brand outside of the Internet and the online world. This type of branding includes from designing a beautiful business card to choosing the right restaurant for a meeting with customers. Offline branding requires a combination of good and integrated design to employ the right staff to represent your brand well.

7- Joint branding

This is where branding comes in handy. Joint branding occurs when more than two brands are linked by a common service or product. For example, “Fast Food” as a food application to jointly send their orders with “Snap” as a transport application, and together they operated a common branding.

8- Branding services

This type of branding puts a lot of emphasis on the customer and providing quality services to its customers. While every brand should b

To do its best not to distance itself from its customers, a service brand must go a step further and use it as a point of sale by adding comprehensible added value to the customer.

People who deal with service brands always expect to receive “extra service”. That’s why an international airline adds a “hot chocolate” drink to its catering service, or a coffee shop serves a flower to its customer.

9- Branding of components

When you are describing the distinctive features of a component of your product or trying to express the success of a unit of several parts of your company, you are actually going through a phase of the component branding process. For example, if a branding company places special emphasis on the design of its logo visual identity, it will do some kind of component branding for itself.

10- Branding without brand

This type of branding is “minimalist brand”. The approach of this type of branding is that a product is good enough to attract the customer’s attention so that it does not need the help of other tricks.

Based on this philosophy, consider a food company that seeks to offer affordable and quality products. By not focusing on its brand, the company is trying to tell its customers that they do not have to pay too much.