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Digital marketing methods and techniques

What is Digital marketing methods and implementation ways?in this article we will define methods and techniques of Digital marketing and all of its specifications.stay with us till the end.

Digital marketing refers to the use of new media in the business world, which is highly dependent on the Internet and has taken the name of digital marketing. In fact, it can be said that all activities that are done to promote products, services, brands and customer behavior on the Internet are called digital marketing.


Digital marketing methods and techniques

If we want to compare digital marketing with traditional marketing, in fact, unlike traditional marketing, in digital marketing, customers are the most important, so companies use various tools such as websites, email, mobile, social networks to try to analyze behavior. They help the customer to publish their ads at the right time and on a wide range of users so that they can receive the best feedback.

Optimal use of all these tools in the digital world can create the right synergy to expand a business on the Internet. In other words, digital marketing refers to the proper use of digital tools to create professional architecture and structure in the Internet and their expansion through targeting and determining the appropriate strategy in this area. Some of the things that are related to internet marketing are:

Introverted or attractive marketing

Introverted marketing and various related methods are based on the fact that instead of the seller looking for the customer, the customer refers to the seller and through various methods such as SEO, content marketing and your website can reach the target audience. Attract towards you.


Guerrilla marketing

Using creative methods to introduce a product to a customer in a way that catches their attention and makes customers talk about your brand is called guerrilla marketing.


Viral Marketing

With the proliferation of social networks and people’s use of them and the increasing importance of social media, word of mouth advertising and social media sharing by individuals has become very important. The use of viral marketing and the production of social media in a way that makes different people in the community talk more about it and share your social media is expanding and is considered as one of the internet marketing methods.


Email Marketing

Using email tools to inform and communicate with your audience is very important, so email marketing or email marketing and various techniques in this field such as creating a landing page can help you design and implement a successful digital campaign. Marketing help a lot.


Social media marketing and content marketing:

Content marketing and social media marketing are also important components of digital marketing.In fact, internet marketing is moving step by step with the customer. Here are some examples of digital marketing:

Search Engine Marketing

In this method, using site design and SEO techniques, they try to improve the position of the site in order to improve the site’s position in search results and be on the first page, users can access the site faster and easier. Optimization is both internal optimization and external optimization. In internal optimization, including the correct use of keywords, internal links and site design in general indicates. But external optimization is like the links that are given to your site.


Social Network Marketing

In this method, which is done using mass communication software such as Facebook, Telegram, g + and , in this marketing, the goal is to introduce your brand and services to people and communicate and interact more with the audience and make potential customers and loyal. These are users. This method is a kind of word of mouth marketing. Users expand this type of advertising by sharing comments. Another goal of this method is to link and share your images and videos and increase website traffic.


Content Marketing

This type of marketing is trying to provide content that can have the best and deepest impact on the audience with the fewest and most appropriate words and to publish this content through portals and channels of mass communication of users and customers to your website. To guide.


Show ads

Advertising is another type of advertising that is easier for users to understand and more effective. Banner is a type of advertising that is not free. Advertising videos that companies provide of their products and services have opened their place in more advertising as the Internet speeds up.

Digital marketing methods

Digital Marketing: Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most common types of marketing that by properly designing the site landing page and sending regular emails to customers, you can keep more potential customers loyal and its goals can be to introduce the brand to customers, inform customers of the latest Products and services, when customers come to your site and provide you with their email, in fact, they express their interest in the site, and even by leaving the site with an email, you can return them to your site, and even Can Receive tag emails from customers and design your future products according to customer feedback.


Digital Marketing: Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is two types of SEO per click. In SEO, it is related to the proper design of the site, but click-through ads pay a fee to search engines, and your site will be displayed in the ads section, and for each click that the user clicks on your ads after searching in search engines, Is calculated. Keep in mind that search engine marketing, or SEM, consists of two parts: search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising (PPC), which stands for Pay Per Click.


The advantage of digital marketing is cheapness, availability and 24 hours a day. Also, due to the introverted nature of Digital Marketing methods, internet marketing can be successful in many cases in different businesses and create effective results. The use of digital marketing is increasing day by day and introverted marketing methods will gradually replace traditional marketing methods such as telemarketing, television advertising, radio advertising, newspaper advertising and so on.