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Digital marketing company duties

What are the responsibilities of a digital marketing company ? You may feel that this is a simple question at first. But by searching for this phrase and its English equivalent on Google, you will find that you are facing a seemingly easy but inwardly problematic issue.

In this article, I try to combine various study sources with personal and work experiences and give a correct answer to this and related questions.


Man is always faced with the problem of choice. It is our choices that determine our future. In management science, the issue of decision making has been mentioned as one of the most important tasks of managers. Therefore, gaining awareness is an important issue for making the right choice and decision.


Digital Marketing company – Duties of Managers

As a result, understanding the tasks of a digital marketing agency helps business managers to make better choices in the process of working with these agencies and outsourcing the digital marketing responsibilities of their organization.

Knowing these tasks is also very effective in pursuing digital marketing issues. By reading this article from the company to which you entrust the task of digital marketing, you will get a clearer picture and more accurate expectations of the effects of its activities on your business.

Therefore, if you have decided to work with a digital marketing agency, I suggest you stay tuned for the rest of this article.

Why should we outsource our online business activities to a digital marketing agency?

The most important reasons for outsourcing online activities are:

1. Increase the growth rate in achieving organizational goals in the online space 2. Prevent mismanagement and reduce the cost of hiring new staff 3. Saving the cost of activating the digital marketing department Digital marketing agencies usually have a lot of experience in doing online activities. As a result, they can start digital marketing activities for you in a much shorter time.

On the other hand, the inexperience of your organization in the field of digital marketing may be costly for you. Digital marketing agencies, on the other hand, make far fewer mistakes and you do not eat your inexperienced stick.

Finally, the most important factor is the cost. It is good to know that digital marketing activities are a combination of different specialties. As a result, these agencies employ a range of market development specialists, strategists, web and application designers, content creators, SEO and site optimization specialists, and social media specialists.

Every business, large or small, needs these experts to get positive results from digital marketing. But the fact is that fewer businesses are large enough to hire and pay for such a costly department. On the other hand, in practice, these businesses do not need full-time staff in these areas.As a result, for many businesses, even large ones, outsourcing digital marketing is a cost-effective decision.

Important note

Of course, it should not be forgotten that in a few cases, there are good justifications for activating this department for some businesses. In this regard, I recommend that you consider your costs, requirements, time and financial constraints carefully and carefully before making a decision.

In this case, too, the best decision is to set up a small department to work with large agencies in your company. This department is responsible for reporting, measuring performance and monitoring the performance of your contracting company in the field of digital marketing.

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Digital marketing company

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Developing a strategy and plan

Naturally, this section can be complex or simple, depending on the previous section. However, for simple demands such as the SEO of a particular keyword, or complex demands, this part of the digital marketing agency cannot be removed. In fact, a good strategy makes the difference between failure and success.

As a result, having a good strategist can play an important role in the success of a digital marketing agency. A specific strategy should be able to answer the following questions:

What are the goals of this project?

What methods and tools do we use to achieve these goals?What activities should be done by which specialists?

In what time frame and at what cost, how much of the set goals will we achieve?Ultimately, this strategy is implemented by your project manager. In the implementation process, the digital marketing agency may perform any of the following activities as part of the tasks required for a project.


Website and application design for Digital marketing company

Website and application is the connection point of your business with the online space and the starting point of other digital marketing activities. Simply put, marketing activities will be meaningless unless there is something to introduce.

Having a specialized team including UI designer, Frontend developer and Backend developer are the minimum requirements in this field.