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Branding and marketing prerequisite

If you want to start a business and enter the business world, you need to increase your ability and knowledge to improve what you do. One of the things you need to know in business science is the difference between marketing and branding.

What is the meaning of branding?

In fact, we must first say what is not branding? When it comes to branding, most people think of a company or business logo or brand. But in fact, we have to say that the issue is bigger and more complicated than you think. Branding or branding includes all the necessary infrastructure to create and maintain your brand and includes goals that make your brand grow and remain sustainable.

In other words, branding or branding is a process that gives meaning to a particular organization, company, product, or service by creating and shaping a brand in the minds of consumers. This is a strategy designed by organizations to help people quickly identify and benefit from services. Also, prove to them that the products they have or the services they receive are the best.

Workspace for more successful branding

Proper workspace in branding is one of the most important factors for the progress of your business. Involving company employees with brand goals is also a kind of latent power of the brand. So take them with you at this stage. You can also get advice from a brand expert. After this step, you enter the stage of determining the brand strategy.
Branding strategy

Once you’ve filled your surroundings with skilled people, now is the time to use different tools to create and shape a brand. Here, Follow Jet introduces you to 5 essential strategies for your brand.

Purpose, business building skeleton

First of all, you have to consider what is the purpose of your business? These are the same objectives or goals in the field of business. An MBI expert or marketing manager, first of all, asks you what do you want from this business? To do this, divide your goals into two parts. Short-term and long-term goals. And for each one, make a marketing plan or a comprehensive plan to bring you closer to your goal step by step.

Questions you need to answer to better target.

To start branding you need to answer the following questions: What are the main principles and values ​​of the company? What is your mission statement? What inspired you to start your own business? Why do you want to present your products or services to your audience? What makes you unique? What is the internal culture of your company? What style of professional products are you in? What are your communication features? What do you want to think when someone hears your brand? What do you want people to think of your brand? How would you like your customers to describe your brand?

Your promises make you responsible

When you attract an audience. You need more than luck to succeed in the affiliate business. These offers can increase your income and entertain the audience. Of course, promises do not detract from the brand and force you to always try to best meet the needs of your customers.

Brand identity, tools that adorn your building.

Attractive name, appropriate organizational behavior, visual identity design (which includes logo design, color palette, typography). Building your business makes you more beautiful. You need to instill that positive feeling and confidence in your audience. In turn, from the very beginning, when a customer or user sees your work, they should be welcomed in the best way. Also, with the psychology of colors, you can make the best impression on the audience.

Advertising and communication, the best invitation card to your business building

TV, social networks (such as Instagram), outdoor advertising such as billboards, websites are all ways to promote your business and introduce your services to your audience and users. The use of appropriate words in advertising is also effective, for example, pay attention to some of them.

  • Nike: Just do it!
  • IMAX: Think big!
  • K.F.C: Great food!
  • Porsche: No replacement!
  • IBM: The solution to the smart planet!

Small but very impressive details

branding marketing

If your service is a specific product, providing an attractive way to design and package the product, tracking the customer experience in the store and receiving feedback, evaluating management style, pricing strategy and increasing product diversity are some of the things that will help you to achieve success. They get closer and closer in business. With the above description, branding is your effort to present and record the image of your business in the mind of the customer.

What is marketing?

“Responsibility-based management process for diagnosis, the anticipation of customer satisfaction in a way that is based on profitability for both parties.” Marketing is a set of activities and techniques that are offered with the aim of better influencing the audience to buy. Marketing is more about selling than branding and is based on a shorter time frame. There is almost always an invitation to action to buy or take a step towards shopping.

Marketing is a function that connects the customer and the people to the marketer through advertising – in fact, marketing is used to identify and define opportunities. Also, the information required for Identifies addresses, manages and implements the data collection process, and reviews the results.

Marketing has four functions.

Access to the audience and customers of the external business environment
Identify the types of advertising and opportunities and develop a strategy to invest in them Use marketing tools to achieve the main goals of the business (this will improve your work in the branding phase) Marketing and measuring the results of activities and developing a process of continuous improvement to develop the business

The difference between marketing and branding

Now that we are familiar with the concepts of branding and marketing, it is time for the main differences between marketing and branding, which we will explain below. Marketing is an important part of branding. You make a promise, and marketing helps convey the message and promise you to want to inform your customer or audience.

In general, marketing is used to promote a product or service, and branding is used to actively shape the brand. Both are your goal in both business growth, but each requires a different strategy and will produce different results.
Four different results in branding and marketing

Branding causes recognition and imagery in the mind of the audience.
Branding comes first, marketing comes second. That is, branding is the whole thing and marketing is the part.
Marketing strategies come and go – but the brand exists forever and stays in the audience’s mind.
Branding affects the business team as much as it affects the customers.


It does not matter what industry you are in, because you are just a company in the sea of ​​competition. And if you want to make a splash and get your customers’ attention, marketing is a must. So when you get your customer’s attention, do you need something that can hold that attention? This is where branding comes into play.